As many of you know Chase has Autism. We have watched over the last few years as the rates of Autism in families in the United States have climbed to epidemic proportions. At the last publication 1 in every 166 children will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder with the likelyhood of occurence being 4 times more likely in boys. 1 in every 166 kids-there is a higher risk of our children being diagnosed with Autism than all of the chidlhood illnesses combined!!!
As we have struggled through the years to find the "cure" or as some would call it "the magic bullet" we have learned so much about what goes into our food, our drinks, our medicines, our vaccines and the kind of harm we have been doing to our bodies. With the contraversey surrounding thimerasol preservative in vaccines and it's subsequent pseudo ban from vaccines we have learned that we have been injecting our children with insane amounts of mercury!
A few months ago we were able to take Chase to see a Dr. here in the Austin area who works with children with Autism. Among other therapies he does support chelating heavy metals out of the system, so we did a DMPS challenge to coax the heavy metals out of the fatty tissues where they are typically stored and sent away the urine sample. What we got back was a shock! Not only does Chase have a heavy metal burden in his system his test results showed large amounts of arsenic! Isn't it amazing that a deadly poison could show up in a childs system and we have no idea how it got there? Arsenic! This has strengthened my resolve to know more and more and leave nothing to chance when it comes to what goes into my families bodies!